Hi! I’m Anish Patil

I’m a Software Artisan and Indie Hacker living in Melbourne. I have worked on Backend, Modern Front-end.DevOps to mentoring junior team members in my career span of 17 years. I help startups to scale up and manage their technical direction.

I’m intensely interested in software complexity, I believe complexity is one of the hindrances of reaching the market.I help companies to manage software complexity by introducing pragmatic software engineering processes.

In the early days of my career, I have contributed to numerous open source projects such as GNOME,Fedora. I have started a Typing Booster project to ease typing in native languages on the Linux desktop. Now this project is maintained by the community.

I like to attend Open Source conferences, Functional Language conferences and I have given following talks:

  • “GNOME and Blockchains” at GNOME.ASIA 2017 Chongqing china
  • “Getting started with React” on HKSON 2016 Hong Kong
  • “How to rpm packaging” on FOSS Singapore 2015
  • “Programming in Python” at Fundcon,2011 Pune
  • “Ibus typing booster” at Gnome Asia 2012 , Hong Kong
  • “Machine learning techniques” used in Text prediction at Gnome Asia 2013, Seoul
  • “Ibus typing booster” at GUADEC 2013, Brno
  • “Next Generation input method” at Gnome Asia 2014, Beijing
  • “Predictive input methods” at Flock 2014, Prague

Please feel free to reach me on Linkedin or Twitter my DM’s are open.